In 2017, I deliberately engaged in being mentored for both personal and business development. My Mentor is a well-respected business leader and church planter who provided detailed insight and encouragement, and helped me to better understand and focus on my strengths. The structure of the program provided regular contact with a group of like-minded and ambitious leaders that similarly provided inspiration and support.
This was my first intentional commitment to be mentored, and having completed that, I appreciated two things:
- Why had I not pursued something like this earlier in life? – There are always the arguments of cost (and yes good mentoring is worth every cent), time, and finding the right person to be the mentor. But the counter argument is, how can you afford not to invest in your development to achieve all you can be?
- I need to keep doing this and being involved in a group that not only challenge me to keep striving to new levels, but are willing to share their thoughts and ideas, provide feedback on mine, and keep me accountable to my progress.
I learnt so much from not just my Mentor, but from the group as a whole. I have applied about half of what I have learnt, and continue to work on the innovative ideas I received. I keep re-reading my notes, and looking now for other sources to keep feeding and inspiring me. Had I not participated in a program, I would be still doing the same routine tasks, in the same order, at the same level. Let me challenge you today to step out of your comfort zone and be mentored or coached this year to achieve new growth. Find out more about our Transformational Leadership Coaching here.