Coaching, whether for a Business or an Executive, is about development and improvement. In the process of Transformation Leadership Coaching, we work with our clients to not only help them see what can be, but take them on the journey to discover and achieve transformation.

Not everyone wants or needs a coach; not everyone is ready to be coached; the desire for change has to be strong enough to overcome the fears, uncertainties, complacency or pride that hold an individual or business in place. Transformation Leadership Coaching takes the existing state and transforms it into a new perspective; what can be; what is possible.

Our transformation coaching sessions drive the client to action, identifying clear goals, putting plans in place to achieve the desired outcomes, and managing the journey. Transformation and improvement require commitment from all participants, regular engagement, clear expectations for achievement, and monitoring to ensure the process is sustained. Coaching cannot occur in isolation, but must have engagement from all relevant stakeholders to ensure a consistent message is delivered and all requirements are understood.


At Beyond Your Horizon, we develop with you the appropriate level of collaboration to effect positive change. As examples, we can provide:

  • Group or Team Coaching which engages with a number of individuals simultaneously to achieve a common goal within the group or team, usually focussed on team performance, and addressing the dynamics of the team and how team members relate to one another, or interact more effectively.
  • One-on-one Coaching which is tailored to the individual (as not everyone needs to focus on the same areas of development). Coaching is paced to ensure the specified goals and objectives are achieved.

In order to ensure the appropriate issues are identified for coaching, all aspects of the organisation’s operation are examined to ascertain where improvement could be applied. Whatever the goals for the business, whether it is performance enhancement, operational efficiency or organisational growth, we will work with you to attain them through a targeted coaching initiative.

Each coaching program must incorporate and consistently reflect the values and requirements of the business, and aspirations of the individual. Whether you already have an improvement or behavioural program in place or would like to implement one, we work with the business to identify the development outcomes for the coaching program. Productive transformation does not normally happen overnight; it is usually small incremental steps, one at a time.


Business Coaching

Our Business Coaches work with the leaders and owners of the business to take it to a whole, new level. Business coaching engages with the decision-makers, to challenge existing processes and paradigms, and help them to develop a plan to bring about change in the organisation.

Business Coaching sets the groundwork to create higher levels of organisational effectiveness. It focuses on the mechanics of running the company, assessing existing practices, and their unique interactions across areas such as production, operations, management, human resources, marketing, and finances. It is within the interactions of these key elements that success can typically be found.

Executive Coaching

As Executive Coaches we work with individuals, teams and groups, helping them to improve their effectiveness in bringing about transformation in their personal and professional life, and maintain alignment with any organisational requirements.

Executive Coaching is extremely beneficial for middle to senior level managers and executives who often get so caught up in what they are doing on a day-to-day basis that they forget to look after themselves or cannot ‘look beyond the trees’ to see what’s on the horizon. Coaching can help them manage their workflow, to be a leader and role model, and regain or enhance their discipline and focus.

Executive Coaching helps individuals to:

  • Identify how to use their skills to foster and live a fuller and richer life.
  • Builds skills and abilities to develop effective relationships, both personal and professional.
  • Identify the criticality of teamwork and highlights how important it is to achieving one’s goals.

Executive Coaching paves the way for more effective decision-making. Our Coaches work with clients to improve their communication skills through dialogue, inquiry and positive interactions creating awareness, purpose, competence and well-being.