Who Are Your Influencers?

In Business, Leadership by Stephen Rogers

Last month I shared on my mentoring experience from 2017.  One of the key learnings I took away from the program was that we all need to surround ourselves with like-minded and challenging people. This may not be in a program such as I participated in; this could be in your workplace or personal life.  We have probably all heard the saying “You can’t soar with the eagles if you hang out with turkeys”. Metaphorically who we hang around and associate with reinforces our personal identification and position.

All groups and circles of influence have leaders; making good or bad, positive or negative decisions that influence all people in the group.  We can recall throughout history and probably our own lives those people who have swayed us and the world into making choices; choices that have an impact on development.

Our friends, families and work colleagues have a large part to play in influencing our habits and decisions.  Having the right people around us who can speak into our lives or circumstances is critical; we need supportive people to provide inspiration, direction and accountability. Even though we might be placed in groups that don’t give us this support, we can proactively seek these people outside of our existing circles.  Be on the look out for leaders around you that can positively affect your situation; or seek out those who can mentor and coach you to achieve new levels of growth.  Don’t scratch around doing the same tasks you did last year if they didn’t help you grow.  Take the initiative and be influenced in the right direction.

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