Last month I discussed what I observed during a recent visit to a Chinese manufacturing business in Guangzhou. The business was successful in many ways, with a strong focus on …
The Fundamentals Apply Anywhere
Last month I addressed the need for strong and consistent accountability in the workplace. Last week I was in China visiting a packaging plant that are a current supplier to …
What is Accountability?
Last month I addressed why so many cultural programs implemented within organisations fail, and what are the key things to focus on for any program to succeed. I mentioned that …
Cultural Investment
I introduced the importance of culture last month, and how leaders can affect the culture of their group. I have been involved in several organisations over the last 20 years …
Culture and Leadership
We have spent several of the latest discussions talking about Transformational Leadership and many of the points on what makes a good leader. One of the things that has a …
Leadership and Transformation
Last month we looked at Managers vs Leaders and some of those distinctions within the business world. Leaders who step up can make such a positive difference to teams and …
Understanding Leadership vs Management
In my last blog, I asked the significant question “Are you an Influencer” and gave some pointers to determine whether you were or weren’t. As an Executive Coach, I get …
Are You An Influencer
Last month I asked who are those people influencing you in the areas of your life and were those influences positive or negative for growth? I shared that every group …
Who Are Your Influencers?
Last month I shared on my mentoring experience from 2017. One of the key learnings I took away from the program was that we all need to surround ourselves with …
The Benefits of Being Mentored
In 2017, I deliberately engaged in being mentored for both personal and business development. My Mentor is a well-respected business leader and church planter who provided detailed insight and encouragement, …