Last month I addressed why so many cultural programs implemented within organisations fail, and what are the key things to focus on for any program to succeed. I mentioned that …
Cultural Investment
I introduced the importance of culture last month, and how leaders can affect the culture of their group. I have been involved in several organisations over the last 20 years …
Culture and Leadership
We have spent several of the latest discussions talking about Transformational Leadership and many of the points on what makes a good leader. One of the things that has a …
Leadership and Transformation
Last month we looked at Managers vs Leaders and some of those distinctions within the business world. Leaders who step up can make such a positive difference to teams and …
Understanding Leadership vs Management
In my last blog, I asked the significant question “Are you an Influencer” and gave some pointers to determine whether you were or weren’t. As an Executive Coach, I get …
Tried and True Leadership Principles
I don’t usually support or encourage the magic lists of things to do, the “silver bullets” that by following the trail accomplishes or achieves the unrealistic. Lists such as these tend to provide a false sense …
What is your degree of Comfort?
I see many organisations doing the same things day after day, year after year, content with where they are and what they are achieving. When I look inside a business I …
Doing the same thing and expecting….?
I met up with a colleague last week for a coffee, and as we both undertake coaching with Managers and Leaders, we headed down the path of the typical things we …
Building Trust and Building Success
These 3 simple keys are critical in ensuring success in a business. All of them require an effort for most managers and leaders; however the application of these 3 things …
Remarkable Leadership Qualities
Leadership is more than managing people or projects, it is more than a title. Leadership is about caring for and talking with people, making the right (and sometimes difficult) decisions, …